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Research Fields

1. Development of Sensors and Measurement Technology

     - Mass Flow Sensor

     - Micro-Thermal Sensor Array

2. Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics

3. Nanofluids

4. Cooling Technology for Electronic Packages

5. Convective Heat Transfer in Porous Media

6. Thermal Phenomena in the Catalyst Bed for Rocket Ignition System


2017. 08. ~ 2018. 07.

2010. 08. ~ 2011. 07.

2004.03. ~ 

2003.08. ~ 2006. 07.




Guest Researcher

National Institue of Standards and Technology (NIST) at Gaithersburg

Visiting Professor

University of Illinois at Chicago

Korea Aerospace University, Korea

Visiting Scholar

Argonne National Lab, Argonne, USA

Ph.D. Korea Advanced Institue of Science & Technology, Taejeon, Korea

M.S. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Taejeon, Korea

B.S. Pusan National University, Busan, Korea


1. LG 전자 산학 공로상, 2008. 12.
2. 중소기업청장상, 2009. 9.
3. 중소기업청장표창, 2010. 9.

4. 미래창조과학부, 2015 지식창조대상, 장석필(교수님), 2015.10.15. (관련기사

5. 대한기계학회 , 2017 열공학부문 젊은연구자상, 장석필(교수님), 2017. 05. 24


(10540) School of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Korea Aerospace University 76, Hanggongdaehak-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-city, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 


(10540) 경기도 고양시 항공대학로76 한국항공대학교 기계관 314호

TEL. 02-300-0179

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